Finding suitable plants for low-light areas can be challenging. Not many plants will tolerate low-light settings, and even fewer will put on new growth if not given enough light.
However, bringing greenery and houseplants to the darker corners of your home doesn’t have to be hard. There are actually quite a few hanging houseplants that will be okay, and some that are even happier, in low-light areas.
Knowing the types of plants and conditions needed for low-light species is all you need to choose a suitable species for your darker room or office.
Also check: 20 Best Low Light Indoor Trees
25 Low light Hanging Plants
Read on to learn more about how to care for these plants, where to put them, and exactly how much light they need.
1. Pothos plant (Epipremnum aureum)
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This hanging plant is known to be one of the easiest to grow, and most common, house plants. This plant grows as a hanging vine or can be pruned back for fuller, bushier growth.
It requires medium to bright indirect light or can even grow under artificial lighting, making it a good choice for a bathroom or office.
You should water a Pothos every 1-2 weeks, when the top few inches of soil are dry, and keep temperatures around room temp or warmer (21-30 ℃).
2. Heartleaf philodendron (Philodendron hederaceum)
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Philodendron plants are related to Pothos and are also very easy to care for, with some more unique varieties available to match your aesthetic.
They can tolerate lower light levels and are happy in diffuse light to shaded areas. Place them away from a south-facing window, or closer to a north-facing exposure, and water them every 1-2 weeks. Keep temperatures fairly warm around 18-26 ℃.
3. ZZ plant (Zamioculcas zamiifolia)
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ZZ plants are unique-looking plants and are great for adding some variety to your house plant collection. The bright green new growth compared to the dark green (almost black) leaves of the ZZ Raven variety are particularly striking.
This is another species that does well in low and artificial lights and is a popular choice for large office buildings where you are far from windows.
Watering requirements are minimal, every 2-3 weeks to even once a month in the non-growing season, making it a great low-maintenance plant. ZZ plants don’t tolerate too high or low temperatures, so keep it around 18-23 ℃.
4. Chinese evergreen (Aglaonema spp.)
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Chinese evergreen is another low-light plant that is also available in many different varieties. This plant is also fairly flexible in its requirements for light, water, and temperature and so is a good low-maintenance option.
Chinese evergreen plants prefer medium to low levels of indirect light, and can tolerate temperatures down to 15 degrees Celcius (although not preferable for extended periods), and up to 25℃.
This means even if your room is cool and dark, it will still be okay. They do enjoy a little moisture, so mist them occasionally, water them every 10-14 days, and keep them away from windows that might have drafts as this can cause browning and dry out the leaves.
5. Spider plant (Chlorophytum comosum)
Spider plant is a low-light house plant that is great for beginners, as it is difficult to kill. When happy with its conditions, this plant will sprout tiny “baby” plants from its stems and can even flower.
It does best in low to bright indirect light with regular watering about once a week. Temperatures should be warmer, about 21-32 ℃, and a little moisture is okay, making it a good option for a humid bathroom shelf.
6. Ruby glow Peperomia (Peperomia graveolens)
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Ruby glow Peperomia seems like an odd choice for a low-light plant, as it is a succulent species and succulents often require bright or even direct light.
Although Ruby Glow will grow in bright, indirect light, it can also tolerate lower and even artificial light conditions. Succulents are sensitive to overwatering, so only water this plant every 7-10 days but keep conditions fairly warm, around 18-24 ℃.
7. English Ivy (Hedera helix)
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English Ivy is a strong indoor plant that can survive most conditions including low light. This light vine can be trained to grow up bookcases or even on hooks along the wall, creating a cozy atmosphere.
Be careful about letting roots establish though, as they can be strong enough to cause cracks! Ivy needs only bright to indirect light, and to be watered about once a week.
It can handle temperatures as low as 10℃ but prefers closer to room temperature, around 20 ℃.
8. Prayer plant (Maranta leuconeura)
The prayer plant is a unique and maybe intimidating-looking plant, with some varieties adding pops of colour to a room with red and pink stripes.
These plants adjust their leaves rapidly to shifting light, folding them up at night (hence the name that reflects the look of putting hands together to pray).
They are also tolerant of low light conditions, possibly because of this adaptation, and only need low to bright levels of indirect light with direct light scorching the leaves.
Water your prayer plant every 1-2 weeks and mist frequently. Keep the temperature warm, above 18℃.
9. Birds nest fern (Asplenium nidus)
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Birds nest fern is a striking, unique-looking, wavy-leaved fern that is accustomed to the dappled light conditions of a forest floor.
They naturally grow on the sides of rainforest trees under the canopy and are used to more humid conditions making them a great addition to a low-light bathroom.
Watering is only needed every 1-2 weeks (or less if the room is very humid), and prefer temperatures between 15-22℃.
10. Swiss cheese plant (Monstera deliciosa)
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Monstera or Swiss cheese plant is a large, tropical house plant that has been steadily growing in popularity over the last few years.
The name “swiss cheese plant” comes from the fenestrations or holes that can form in the leaves, giving it a uniquely divided look.
This plant only needs medium to bright indirect light and watering about once a week, but prefers warmer temperatures around 18-27 ℃.
11. Rattlesnake plant (Goeppertia insignis)
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The rattlesnake plant is a tropical species from Brazil with bright green fronds that have dramatic, deep red or purple undersides.
These plants are similar to the prayer plant, with leaves moving (relatively) quickly to adjust to light levels and sometimes folding up at night.
Rattlesnake plants like partial sun or light shade, making them good for lower light rooms. They only need watering once or twice a week, and do well at normal room temperatures or a little cooler, 15-20 ℃.
12. Maidenhair fern (Adiantum raddianum)
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Maidenhair fern is a lower light option that prefers slightly more light than others on this list. It is happiest in medium to bright indirect light for new growth, but can still tolerate low levels.
This species is slightly more high-maintenance as well as it prefers soil that is consistently moist and needs watering multiple times a week. It also prefers warmer temperatures and is happiest around 21 ℃.
13. Arrowhead plant (Syngonium podophyllum)
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Arrowhead plant is a trailing vine species with bright to light green, pointed leaves. Similar to Pothos and Philodendron, this species does well in low light areas and can be pruned be long and leggy or full and bushy, based on your preference.
A thorough watering is needed every 10-14 days making it fairly low-maintenance, and temperature can vary from 16-24 ℃.
14. Oyster plant (Tradescantia spathacea)
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The oyster plant is another striking low-light option, with bright purple undersides to the leaves. Although it looks complicated, this plant is notoriously easy to grow and is a perfect choice for any beginner house plant enthusiast.
It requires only medium levels of indirect light and can adapt to lower levels, with watering every 1-2 weeks. Preferred temperature is also quite variable, in the range of 13-27 ℃.
15. Creeping fig (Ficus pumila)
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Creeping fig is a dainty leaved, delicate looking climbing plant that is one of the smallest members of the Ficus family.
Although closely related to the fiddle leaf fig that needs brighter areas, this plant looks much different and does better in low to medium diffused and indirect light.
Watering is needed just once a week and this plant can tolerate being pruned back heavily any time of year to create the growth form you want. Temperature range should be between 13-24 ℃ and avoid placing in drafty areas.
16. Nerve Plant (Fittonia spp.)
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Although commonly seen as a small potted house plant, Nerve Plant (Fittonia spp.) is actually a creeping, trailing vine when allowed to grow outside the confines of its pot.
This makes it a great hanging plant for your house. Different leaf vein colours are present in different varieties of this species, with red, pink, white, and green being some of the common ones.
This species will quickly react to direct sunlight by burning and prefers low to medium, indirect light. Water fairly frequently, every 3-4 days and keep temperatures around 15-26 ℃ to keep this plant happy.
17. Corn plant (Dracaena fragrans)
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Corn plant will eventually grow taller into a tree-like form, but when young and short makes a good hanging plant as the palmate growth of the fronds mimic a palm or fern.
Available in bright green and variegated varieties, this plant like light shade or indirect filtered light, or can survive on just artificial light from your overhead lamp. Water Corn Plant every 7-10 days and keep the temperature more or less around room temps, about 15-24 ℃.
18. Painted-leaf begonia (Begonia rex)
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With its bright purple and red leaves, Painted-leaf Beonia is another great option to add some pops of colour to a dark room.
This species can tolerate low to bright indirect light but does require frequent watering (every 3-4 days) to keep soil consistently moist. As a tropical species this plant prefers warmer temperatures around 17-25 ℃.
19. Cast iron plant (Aspidistra elatior)
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Cast iron plant is just that, strong as iron! This species is great for tricky locations, neglectful plant parents, and beginners who are worried about killing everything they touch.
Cast iron plant doesn’t have showy flowers, but it is able to grow in low levels of indirect light making it a great species for tricky rooms with few to no windows.
Watering is only needed every 10-14 days, but this plant will forgive you for forgetting about it a little longer than that. Temperature drops or spikes are not a concern either, as this species is okay down to 7℃ and up to 29℃!
20. Baby rubber plant (Hevea brasiliensis)
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Baby Rubber Plant shouldn’t be confused for Rubber tree (Ficus elastica) which requires high levels of bright light.
Baby Rubby Plant is a smaller, thick leaved plant with a rubbery texture. It need only low to bright indirect light levels, but should be kept around 40-50% humidity.
Watering should be every 1-2 weeks depending on the humidity of the area and the season, with less water being needed in the winter/off season. Temperatures should also be kept warmer, around 18-24 ℃.
21. Flamingo flower (Anthurium andraeanum)
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Flamingo Flower is aptly named for its bright pink attractive flowers which can appear up to 6 times a year if grown in ideal conditions! Its shiny, waxy foliage is similar to Peace Lily in that it looks almost fake in certain lighting.
This species should also be kept away from children and pets as it is toxic if consumed, which makes it a good option for putting up in a hanging basket.
Flamingo flower needs only medium to bright indirect light and watering every 3-5 days. Temperature range for this species should be kept between 15-32℃.
22. Boston fern (Nephrolepis exaltata)
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Boston ferns are popular house plants and are well suited for a hanging basket, both indoors and outdoors. It should be kept in an area away from drafts from heating vents, windows, or AC units and doesn’t appreciate large fluctuations in temperature.
Ideally this plant will be kept around 15-24 ℃ with regular watering every week. Although it does well in low and indirect light, this species puts on new growth in medium to bright levels of light.
23. Parlor palm (Chamaedorea elegans)
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Parlor Palm is a great indoor plant with graceful, soft fronds that add green to any room. Native to Southern Mexico and Guatamala, this plant is one of the most commonly sold houseplant palms in the world.
Needing only low to bright indirect light, it is a perfect addition to your ‘parlor’, or living room. It can be watered every 1-2 weeks as needed, but has been known to stay green even with longer periods between watering. Like many other plants on this list, Parlor Palms grow in tropical areas and should be kept between 18-23 ℃.
24. String of coins (Peperomia pepperspot)
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Peperomia pepperspot is one of thousands of Peperomia species varieties, with glossy dark green leaves and a reddish stem.
This trailing plant is less common but easy to take care of making it great hanging basket plant for beginners. As a succulent, it likes medium to bright indirect light but will tolerate lower levels as well.
Unlike other succulents that are sensitive to overwatering, this species wants to be watered twice a week. Temperature requirements for P. pepperspot are between 18-27 ℃.
25. Bolivian Begonia (Begonia boliviensis)
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Finally, Bolivian Begonia is another Begonia species that enjoys lower light and partial shade conditions. Originally from Bolivia and Argentina, this Begonia can be found growing along streams and in rock crevices.
Because of this, this species prefers warmer and more humid environments, and is not overly tolerant of cold temperatures. Watering should occur every 9-10 days, and the temperature should remain around 20-23 ℃.
Best hanging plant for a low-light bathroom
Bathrooms are tricky rooms for successfully keeping houseplants.
The combination of little to no windows, changing temperatures, and increased moisture creates what seems like the perfect environment for wilting, unhappy plants to develop rotting leaves, fungus, and disease. Luckily, there are some plants that actually do well in these conditions.
Pothos plants or Devil’s Ivy are very tolerant of the low-light conditions usually found in bathrooms. Although they don’t particularly like high moisture, this species is known to be difficult to kill.
Because of this, it is more likely to survive the moisture and temperature fluctuations a bathroom provides.
Spider plants are another option for a bathroom that does well in more humid areas. They can tolerate either bright or low indirect light, so they are a little more flexible in their placement.
Some additional plants that might do okay in your bathroom include staghorn fern, Chinese evergreen, and bird’s nest fern.
When growing plants in your bathroom, pick species that enjoy humidity and pay attention to watering, as the extra moisture in the air might mean you can water your plants less.
Keep your bathroom plants away from areas where they might be splashed directly by water, and place them in pots with drainage so they don’t sit in water for long periods of time.
Finally, be mindful of where vents and fans are when placing your plant as the extra air movement might cause drying out of the leaves.
Taking care of hanging plants
In many ways, taking care of hanging plants is just like taking care of any other house plant.
However, hanging plants tend to be forgotten as they are often up and out of the way, or you might neglect them a little more if they are big and a hassle to take down to take care of. There are a few things you can do to set your plant up for success.
First, you will want to make sure that your hanging plant is in suitable soil with proper drainage for the species planted in it.
Hanging planters may or may not have drainage holes, so pay attention when potting your plant. If your chosen species needs good drainage and the pot has no holes, consider putting the plant in a smaller nursery pot with holes that you place inside the hanger.
This also makes it easier to take care of the plant as you can simply bring the plant in the interior pot down to water it, not the whole hanging basket.
Keep a few things in mind when deciding where to place your hanging plants. Make sure it won’t block light to other plants or be in the way of people using the room.
Be careful when hanging plants near windows as drafts and temperature changes can be harmful to plant leaves. Pay attention to the location of heating vents and AC units (which you might not usually note when placing plants on the floor) for the same reason.
Next up, watering. Hanging plants are exposed to different temperatures and lighting than plants placed on the ground or floor, and tend to dry out faster.
You will want to water your plant regularly but avoid overwatering. Even though it may be tricky when the hanging plant is up high, you will still want to check your plants’ soil before watering to avoid this.
Fertilizer is another important way to take care of your hanging plants. When plants are in low-light conditions, it is extra important to make sure they have the nutrients and requirements they need to do well so they are less vulnerable to pests and disease.
Each plant will require different amounts and types of fertilizer, so be sure to use one appropriate for the species you have and carefully follow the amount and frequency of application outlined on the package.
Finally, help shape and grow your hanging plant by pruning it properly. You can allow your plant to become long and leggy, with long vines hanging down.
Alternatively, trim your plant back regularly to encourage bushy, fuller growth. Many species like Pothos and English Ivy are easy to propagate from these cuttings.
Place your trimmings in a glass of water until roots appear and replant back into your pot to create a fuller look even faster.
What is the best houseplant for a dark room?
If you have a room that is often dark, maybe with only one small window or not much lighting (natural or artificial) you might think you are out of luck in terms of having plants.
However, as long as there is some light (plants can’t grow in the dark!) you can probably find a plant that will do okay in these conditions.
As mentioned before, Pothos is one of the more tolerant low-light plants you can find. Even when neglected, they are generally hard to kill.
These plants can even survive without soil, simply growing with their roots in a jar or bottle of water.
This hanging or trailing vine will grow towards any light source, even in a dark room, so place it close to a light or window if possible, but not so close that it gets any direct sunlight.
There are many varieties of pothos available. For a dark room, aim for a variety with mostly green leaves and limited variegation. Chinese evergreen, ZZ plant, and English Ivy are a few more hearty house plant options that can survive the low-light conditions of a dark room.
Can plants grow in a room without windows?
Believe it or not, there are some species of plants that can actually grow in a room with no windows!
That doesn’t mean you can leave them sitting in the dark, however, but if you have a room (like a cubicle or office in a large building) that doesn’t have windows, you’ll still be able to add some green to your space.
Bird’s nest fern requires low levels of indirect light to survive and can even live on just artificial light. As long as it is regularly exposed to the lights in your room, it should be happy.
These plants do like moisture, however, so you should water it frequently and regularly mist the leaves.
If you plan on hanging this species in your office at work, be sure to bring it home with you over long breaks as it won’t forgive you for leaving it alone for more than a few days!
English Ivy is another hearty plant that can survive in artificial light alone. Unlike Bird’s nest fern, English Ivy is happiest if left alone a little and shouldn’t be overwatered.
Only water your plant when the top inch or so of soil is very dry. Ivy also tolerates cooler temperatures, so it is a good option for a plant to leave in an office if the heat tends to be lowered at night.
Finally, the ZZ plant (Zamioculcas zamiifolia) or Zanzibar Gem is another plant that can thrive in low light and artificial lighting. There are many varieties of ZZ plants available.
When choosing a variety for a dark room or a room with only artificial light, you will want to choose one with minimal white variegation and mostly green leaves.
This is because plants with white on the leaves often have trouble photosynthesizing and will struggle in low-light areas. Finally, water your ZZ plant every 2-3 weeks and keep it around room temperature, about 18-23℃.