The money tree is one of the most popular indoor plants out there and for good reason. It symbolizes good fortune, luck, and wealth. Some keep it as a good luck charm whereas others like it because of its appearance. This plant is a very good addition to modern décor.
This tree is not only famous as a houseplant but you can also see them in work offices very often. Meaning, money trees are very common plants. In addition to its very encouraging symbolism, a money tree is easy to care for. Today we will discuss how often to water money trees and how to make sure it grows well in your home or office.
A money tree is a tropical plant and this fact is sometimes wrongly perceived. People tend to water it very often which leads to the plant’s early death. Money tree loves watering, but not very often.
You can water a money tree 2 or 3 times a month. Even though the plant needs to be watered rarely, does not mean you should dry it out.
The secret to keeping money trees happy and healthy is deep watering. Once you water the plant, make sure it is watered properly.
Also check: Brown Leaves On A Money Tree
How to tell if a Money tree needs water?
There are several factors that influence money tree’s watering needs including:
- Season
- Temperature
- Lighting
- Humidity
Just as any other plant, money tree will tell you when it needs water, you just have to listen to your plant. The first technique to finding out if a money tree needs water is the classic one – check the soil. If the top 2-4 inches of the soil is dry, then you can water it.
Another way to tell your money tree needs water is by checking the leaves. If they start curling and they wrinkle, it is a sign of underwatering. When this happens, water a money tree immediately.
Watering Money tree in summer vs in winter
You need to have a different watering schedule in summer and winter.
Spring and summer are growing seasons for a money tree. We advise you to water a money tree 3 to 4 times a month during the growing season. Of course, before watering makes sure your plant needs to be watered.
During winter you should water money tree less frequently. Watering 2 times a month during winter is enough for a money tree.
Money tree’s watering needs depend on lighting as well as temperature.
During the growing season, the plant gets more lighting and the temperature is higher thus, the money tree needs more water. During winter, the plant is not growing as much as during summer and it needs less water.
The key is to monitor your money plant often. You will learn your plant’s habits step by step.
Each and every houseplant is individual and your money tree might need a different watering schedule. If you listen to your plant, you will be able to keep it healthy and happy.
How to water Money tree?
Money tree does not need watering frequently. However, it loves getting a good amount of water. Deep watering is the best way to water your money tree.Pour a good amount of water into the pot. Water the soil, not the plant itself.
You should water the money tree until water comes out of drainage holes.
Once you are done with watering, empty the saucer. Do not let water sit in the pot saucer, this will cause root rot.
Signs of overwatering vs underwatering
The most common problem with money trees is overwatering. Especially, if you are new to houseplant care, it is hard to regulate the watering schedule.
When leaves of the money tree start turning yellow it means you are overwatering. Just remember, if you are growing money tree outdoors, then a yellowish look of the leaves is normal and is an effect of sunlight. Underwatering has a different effect on a money tree.
Underwatering causes wrinkly, dried-out, and damaged leaves. Note that if the leaves are dropping, you are watering the plant inconsistently. Therefore, you have to come up with a more regular watering schedule.
How can I keep money tree hydrated?
As we mentioned, the money tree is a tropical plant.
Meaning, the plant loves a humid environment. In order to create a certain level of humidity, you can mist the leaves of the plant.
You can use the spray bottle. Avoid using cold water, room temperature water or lukewarm water will work the best. While spraying the plant, you are trying to recreate the money tree’s natural environment. This is why cold water does not work.
Another way to keep the plant hydrated is by topping the top of the pot with pebbles. They will keep the soil humid and well-hydrated. Your plant will have the feeling of a tropical environment. Also, toppings give pots a new look, which is a great advantage.
Creating a nice level of humidity is especially important during winter when the plant naturally does not get that much water. You can use the spraying technique or try a humidifier. Topping the pot also works really well.
But be careful with both of these techniques. If you overdo it, you are risking root rot and lethal damage.
Should I braid a Money tree?
First of all, let’s discuss why people braid money trees. It is believed that a braided money tree traps the fortune and keeps it within its folds. Usually, a money tree has five trunks that symbolize the elements including earth, fire, water, wind, and metal.
You should braid the money tree while it’s still young and trunks are flexible. Keep in mind that you can unbraid the tree if it is not too old. If you like how it looks, you can easily but carefully unbraid it. Once the money tree is big, unbraiding is not an option.
Braiding has also disadvantages you should be aware of. For instance, when the tree gets older (3-5) years and trunks are very tightly braided, they tend to restrain one another.
They are stuck and it gets harder for the trunks to let the water move. In this case, your plant may start looking dull. Restraint of the trunks causes yellowish leaves that are drooping and weak.
You might think that the reason is the wrong watering schedule, however, it is because of trunks cutting and “choking” one another. You can fix this problem by cutting the trunks.
You can cut them wherever the branch is green. It will regrow and branch again. We recommend you cut the damaged branches. You will give the plant opportunity to grow healthy ones and get stronger.
How to take care of Money Tree: Lighting
If you are growing money trees indoors, then you should pay close attention to its lighting.
As we explained, lighting is one of the main things that affect money tree’s watering needs.
Money tree needs medium to bright indirect light. Ensure that it gets good lighting at least 6 hours a day. This is especially important during winter when the plant needs more encouragement.
Rotating the plant is the best way to make sure every part of it gets good lighting. This way, every branch, and leaf develop equally. Note that, direct light can be damaging for the plant.
How to take care of Money tree: Tips
Here are some tips to keep your money tree healthy:
- You should change the pot of money tree every 2 years. Once you see roots coming out of the draining holes, it is time for a new pot!
- Repot money tree during springtime
- Turn money tree often, this way you will encourage equal growth of branches.
- Provide a pot with decent drainage holes
- Choose well-draining soil to avoid overwatering.
- Fertilize your money tree monthly
- Before fertilization, make sure the soil is damp
- Prune money tree regularly. With the right approach, you can train your money tree to grow as a Bonsai.