Best Ways To Keep Deer From Eating Hostas

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Hostas are one of the most favorite plants for enthusiast gardeners.

They are many types of Hostas according to leaf color and shape.

One thing unites them all – Hosta plants are easy to take care of and they are a beautiful addition to any garden. Unfortunately, Hostas are loved by deer as well.

Even though deer is a harmless and charming animal, it can be a gardener’s nightmare. It has the ability to ruin a month’s work without any hesitation.

Deer love eating hostas and they are current guests to many beautiful gardens. Thus, in this article, we will help you solve this feud with deer once and for all.

What’s the easiest way to keep deer from eating hostas?

The most proficient method for keeping deer away from eating Hostas is using repellents.

There are various deer repellent products on the market and experienced gardeners have been using them for quite some time. Repellents have proved themselves useful and efficient.

The repellents have a specific smell and taste that keep deer away from plants they may love. They are different, but mostly they contain common ingredients such as garlic, eggs, and red pepper.

These ingredients have a foul smell for deer; therefore, they are effective in keeping deer away. The most important thing about using deer repellents is consistency.

Products will be inefficient if you do not use them regularly. We recommend you spray the repellent on Hostas once every 1-2 weeks. If it is a rainy season, make sure to apply the product more frequently.

Be aware that the repellents can only be used on plants that are not deer-resistant such as Hosta plants. If you use it on other plants, you may damage them.

If you are cautious about using chemicals, you can even make a homemade deer repellent, which we will discuss down below. Also, there are several other ways to keep deer away from your Hostas.


Different Ways to Keep Deer Away

Here are a couple of things you could do to keep deer away from Hosta plants.

1. Put a fence

Putting a fence is a good way to keep deer away from your garden, not just from eating Hostas.

There are different types of fences you could put around the garden.

The first thing you should consider if you are putting on a fence is its height. Deer are very capable animals and they can jump quite high. The fence should be at least 5 feet tall. This is an efficient way of denying access to deer, but this can be a costly decision.

2. Scare the deer

Scaring the deer is one of the most efficient practices. Having a dog at home that “guards” the garden, is one way to spook the deer. Deer can be very scared of barking animals, even if they are harmless.

3. Use visual deterrents

Another way to keep deers away is by hanging aluminum plates on your trees.

This visual deterrent works really well on deer. The wind can shake the plates and make them scarier for the animals.

4. Motion-sprinkler

Motion-activated sprinklers are very efficient in keeping deer away.

They get activated based on the motion and sprinkle water towards the direction of the detected motion.

This tactic is flexible because you can change the strength of the sprinkles. However, this option has its downsides. You will need multiple sprinklers and they are only effective during warmer seasons. In the winter, the hose freeze, therefore sprinklers cannot work.

Homemade Deer Repellent

If you are looking for other homemade repellent options in addition to coffee grounds, there are several sprays you can create on your own:

Egg and garlic repellent spray

This spray has a foul smell for deer as well as humans, so it might not be the best choice to start with. However, it’s effective and very easy to make.


  • 1 Gallon of warm water
  • 3 whole eggs (with shell)
  • 3 crushed garlic cloves
  • 2 tablespoons of pepper or hot chili


Put all the ingredients in a blender and blend them. Make sure that they are mixed well. Let the spray sit for 24 hours. Transfer the liquid into the spray bottle. Spray the liquid on the leaves, on the ground, make sure the substance covers the whole area

Peppermint Spray

This is one of the most effective homemade sprays. It has a long-lasting effect, but it can be a little bit damaging for the plant due to its ingredient list. So, be careful and don’t spray it directly on the plant. You may find the smell appealing, but trust us, deer will hate it.


  • 6 drops of peppermint oil
  • 4 drops of rosemary oil
  • 240 ml of white vinegar


Add the ingredients to the spray bottle. Shake the bottle and make sure ingredients are mixed well. Spray on the ground surrounding the Hostas.

Liquid Soap Spray

Soap is among the best repellent ingredients for the deer. Using only liquid soap is not effective, but if you mix it with garlic, pepper, or eggs, the mixture will keep away the deer. Here’s one of the most effective liquid soap spray recipes:


  • 1 gallon of warm water
  • 1,5/2 ounces of liquid soap
  • 1 clove of garlic
  • 2 tablespoons of pepper
  • 2 eggs


Put all the ingredients in a blender and blend them. Make sure that they are mixed well. Let the spray sit for 24 hours. Transfer the liquid into the spray bottle. Spray the liquid on the leaves, on the ground, make sure the substance covers the whole area. Reapply every 2 weeks.

Will coffee grounds keep deer away from Hostas?

As we mentioned there are some DIY options for keeping deer away from Hosta plants.

One of the most popular tactics for gardeners is using coffee grounds against deer.

Deer have a different smell and taste perception. Therefore, smells that humans find appealing have an opposite influence on deer. Smells of pepper, garlic, and even soap can be very irritating for deer senses.

Coffee is one of the things that have negative effects on deer. So, if you are planning to use coffee grounds against deer, here’s what you should do:

Put ground coffee in a plastic bag or a container at least for one week. This way the concentration of the smell will be contained and stronger.

Step two is spreading the coffee grounds around your Hostas. This method is not the most efficient, but it still works. Consistency is the key to its success. Thus, do not forget to spread the coffee grounds once every 2 weeks.

Will Hostas grow back after deer eat them?

Hostas are very resilient and have the ability to regrow very quickly. Thus, you should not worry, because Hostas will grow back after deer eat them.

However, this does not mean that you should not protect your plants from deer.

While hostas can recover after one deer “attack”, it will be hard for them to regrow if they are eaten on a regular basis. Keep in mind the tips from this article and you can be sure that your plants are safe.

Mike Smith

I love Gardening and this is my site. Here you will find some really useful plant-related tips and tricks.