Black Spots On Monstera Leaves (How To Fix & Prevent)

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Monsteras are the pearl of every garden, both indoors and outdoors. They are ridiculously easy to care for and aren’t demanding at all. Still, they do need you to give them a few things so that they can thrive.

Monsteras do best in indirect sunlight, in a humid environment, and at a temperature that isn’t lower than ten °C, i.e., 50 °F or higher than 29 °C, i.e., 84 °F. They are susceptible to stress and immediately show signs that you need to take seriously to keep your monstera plant happy.

The great thing about the Monstera plant is that it shows you that something’s happening so you can intervene on time. One of the signs that your Monstera will give you are black spots on its leaves.

So, why are there black spots on Monstera leaves?

Black spots on monstera leaves can certainly be disconcerting. But don’t worry; a variety of factors can cause these spots, and they don’t necessarily indicate the demise of your plant.

These factors vary from pest infestations to watering issues. The good news is that there are ways to identify the cause and take action to help your plant recover.

Monsters are known to love water, but they want it only when they’re dry. As Monstera owners, I know that we tend to water these beauties without even checking whether the soil is dry or moist so that they never run out of water.

But, you see, they should run out of water. Otherwise, their roots will get more susceptible to bacterial and fungal infections.

On the other hand, not watering them enough could also result in dark spots on your Monstera’s leaves. Pests are always there; no matter how well you care for them, your monetary are always at risk of being attacked by these tiny monsters.

In this article, I will tell you all about the factors that cause dark spots on your Monstera’s leaves and how to avoid and treat them. Be around, as I will share some very helpful info.

Also check: Best Soil For Monstera (Soil Mix Guide)

What Causes Dark Spots On Monstera Leaves, And How To Fix It

Dark spots on monstera leaves aren’t something you would look forward to, but it does happen more than you might think. Monsteras are living organisms, and they go through phases and processes. They can be very sensitive to change and start wilting when moved.

They also have particular light and water requirements which you must provide if you want your plant to thrive.

My point is that the black spots on Monstera leaves can result from several reasons, and they don’t have to indicate that your plant is dying. On the contrary, they are easily treatable. Still, you need to know why they appear so that you can address the root cause.

The dark spots on my Monstera were due to overwatering. I never waited for the soil to dry completely, which triggered a process that manifested as dark spots. Luckily, I caught and treated the underlying cause, and my beauty is now as good as new.

Overwatering is the most common reason for dark spots on monstera leaves, so if you notice them, the first thing to do is check if your watering routine is suitable for your plant. Always check to see the level of moisture in the soil and only water when it is completely dry.

Monsteras are huge fans of water, but only when they truly need it. Water your monsteras daily in summer, early in the morning or evening. Always check if the soil is moist before watering, and feel free to skip a day if it is damp.

Water your monsters three times a week in winter if you keep them outside. If they are indoors, use your best judgment, but don’t water them too often.

Giving your monsteras sufficient water will help them thrive without putting them at risk of fungal or bacterial infections, which may cause the black spots to appear. In addition, if you’re giving your plant too much water, the roots can become waterlogged and begin to rot. This can lead to dark spots on the leaves and other symptoms, such as yellowing or wilting.

In addition to reducing the watering frequency, you can also improve the drainage in your Monstera’s pot. The simplest way to do this is to poke holes in the soil without having to disturb the plant.

If you notice any mushy or blackened roots, it is best that you trim them off to prevent further damage.

Another common cause of dark spots on Monstera leaves is too much direct sunlight. Monsteras love light, but not direct light. They are happiest under bright, indirect light, and they can get easily damaged if they’re exposed to too much direct sunlight.

This can cause dark spots or patches on the leaves and other symptoms, such as burnt or curled edges. If you determine that this is the cause for the dark spots on your Monstera’s leaves, move it to another corner of the room, preferably with morning sun and afternoon shade. Place the Monstera behind a curtain so that the light filters before reaching it.

If you keep your Monstera outside, make sure you pick a semi-shaded spot with plenty of indirect light.

Another possible reason for dark spots on monstera leaves can also be pest infestation or fungal infection. These are triggered mainly by overwatering as the moist soil is a breeding ground for fungi and pests, like its soft coziness and richness.

If you think this may cause the dark spots on your Monstera leaves, inspect the plant thoroughly. Some pests are easily noticeable, but many are sneakier than that. I recommend you take a soil sample so that you can see it better and take a close look at the stems and leaves. Also, graze your hand onto the plant to see if there are any organisms you may not have seen.

If this is the case, you should treat the black spots on your Monstera by applying insecticide and following the prescribed directions and dose.

Sometimes the problem can be a nutrient deficiency, which can give your Monstera a sickly appearance. I advise you to add fertilizer to your Monstera twice a month. Initially, start with natural fertilizers; if those aren’t effective, you can add chemical ones.

In any case, black spots on monstera leaves are easily treatable and usually aren’t a reason for concern. Still, you have to act quickly after noticing them to eradicate the root cause efficiently.

How Do You Fix Black Spots On Monstera?

Even though black spots on monstera leaves aren’t a major reason for concern, you need to address the root of the issue so that you stop their occurrence as soon as possible.

The good thing about fixing black spots on monstera leaves is that you can apply virtually the same treatment for all causes. Once you notice that your Monstera is getting spotty, first, you should start with the simplest solution, i.e., change its spot.

Your plant may be under direct sunlight, so placing it in a shaded corner may do the trick. However, if you are certain that your Monstera is in a good location, you should track the soil’s moisture.

Even though monsters love water, they don’t love too much of it. You sure need to water your monsteras abundantly, but only when the soil is dry.

Dark spots on monstera leaves are often a result of overwatering, so check the soil before watering. This way, you’ll know whether or not your Monstera is thirsty and water it accordingly.

To ensure better drainage, make holes in the soil using a pencil so the water can drain more easily and reach the entire growing medium. Sometimes, the soil seems dry on the surface but moist in the middle.

If the black spots on your Monstera are due to underwatering, increase the watering frequency but not the amount of water you use. Still, don’t take any drastic measures.

As much as your Monstera needs water, it’s gotten used to being more dry than moist, and changing the watering routine drastically may shock the plant. Include one more weekly watering session until you find the best balance that suits your plant.

If the dark spots are due to pests, reduce the water and use suitable insecticides or fungicides. It also helps to trim the infected leaves to prevent the infection from spreading.

If you don’t know why there are dark spots on your Monstera, change its location and balance the water you give it. Either increase or decrease the amount. Apply the other remedies if the dark spots persist.

Also, adding some nutrients into your monstera care regimen and introducing natural or chemical fertilizer is always a good idea.

Can Overwatering Cause Black Spots?

Absolutely! The overly moist soil is a very favorable environment for bacteria and fungi to grow and spread. Not only can overwatering cause black spots, but it is the leading cause of them to occur. It can also cause root rot, which manifests with black spots on Monstera.

The constantly moist soil can become a hostile environment for the monstera plant, causing damage to its roots.

How Do You Treat Leaf Spot Disease On Monstera?

Treating leaf spot disease on Monstera is pretty simple, and the occurrence of this inconvenience is not a significant concern. Still, if left untreated, it can significantly damage the plant.

Leaf spot disease on Monstera manifests as brown spots or holes on the leaves, and it is very specific; you will definitely know what you are dealing with. All you need to do are a few adjustments in your care routine, and your Monstera will be as good as new.

Figure out whether you overwater or underwater it, as this is often a watering habits issue. Adjust your watering routine according to your plant’s needs. Water the Monstera only when dry, and check the soil daily to see if it needs water.

Apply fertilizer, as it may be an issue of nutrient deficiency. Inspect the plant for pests or fungi and use a pesticide or a fungicide to deal with the infestation.

Trim the infected leaves to keep the infection from spreading and, in more severe cases, check the roots and trim any rot.

What Is A Home Remedy For Black Spots On Plants?

As a huge supporter of natural remedies for plant diseases, I always dig deeper to find the best natural solution for my plants. If you want to treat your Monstera with a natural home remedy, you can try some of the remedies below.

First, we have neem oil, which is a natural insecticide and fungicide that can help treat a variety of plant problems, including black spots on leaves.

Even if fungi or insects haven’t caused the black spots, neem oil won’t harm your Monstera. Mix a few drops of neem oil with water and spray it onto the affected leaves. Repeat the treatment every few days until the problem is resolved.

Baking soda is another natural antifungal agent that can help treat fungal infections in plants. Mix baking soda and water and spray onto the leaves once every few days. Again, it won’t damage the plant, even if the cause isn’t fungi or insects.

Regardless of the cause, milk has a wide spectrum of efficiency, so you will probably solve the problem with this natural remedy. Mix part water and part milk in a spray bottle and spray the mixture directly onto the leaves once every few days.

Vinegar is known as a natural disinfectant, so applying it to the monstera leaves may resolve the problem. Mix the vinegar with water and spray once or twice a week.

Can Black Monstera Leave Recover?

If the damage was caused by overwatering, underwatering, or sunlight issues, the monstera leaves could recover from the black spots. On the other hand, if the spots were caused by fungi or pests, the leaves would not recover. Still, this isn’t to say that the plant won’t recover; the new leaves will be spotless if treated.

Should I Cut Monstera Leaves With Black Spots?

Whether or not you cut the spotted monstera leaves is more of a judgment call than it is a rule. If the damage is substantial, I would recommend you cut the leaves to help the plant recover faster.

If the disease is in its initial stage, there’s no need to trim off the affected leaves as long as you start with treatment immediately.



Mike Smith

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